Battery Storage

The rapidly developing area of grid connected battery storage is really exciting! Enabling much greater self consumption of on site generated clean electricity, and crucially being able to take advantage of time of use based tariffs and emerging smart tariffs.

There are many products available and competition between manufacturers is fierce. Some products suit certain scenarios better than others, so choosing the right solution for you is critical. We are doing the hard work for you in selecting the best solutions from the best manufacturers as time goes on.

Tesla Powerwall

The much talked about Tesla Powerwall isn’t all just good looks and hype. We believe it’s a really attractive solution in this sector, beating its competitors on every metric. It’s one of the reasons why we chose its predecessor for our office. With many different ways to install this system it’s flexible to many scenarios and expandable in both power and capacity.

Introducing PW3

If you have a Powerwall 2 system installed and are looking to expand, please contact us and we’ll let you know the options

01292 591 000

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Use excess generation to heat water, or limit export on larger systems!

Solar Service

With years of experience, there's nobody better to look after or repair your PV system - even if we didn't install it!


Unlike many new renewables companies, we have over 2 decades of experience

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